Communiqués de presse
Cie du Bois Sauvage : Buy back of own shares – 24/06/2019
Regulated Information 25/06/2019 5:45 pm
Implementation of authorization of the extraordinary general meeting of April 27, 2016.
Disclosure of trading in own shares on June 24, 2019.
Pursuant to Article 207 of the Royal Decree of 30 January 2001, implementing the former Belgian Companies Code and as amended on 26 April 2009, Compagnie du Bois Sauvage announces having entered into a share buy-back transaction. The number of bought-back shares Compagnie du Bois Sauvage which have not been cancelled is 8.012 and were bought for an amount of EUR 2,692,946.40. This acquisition results from convertible bonds Entreprises et Chemins de Fer en Chine bought by Compagnie du Bois Sauvage OTC, as mentioned in the 2018 annual report, which were converted on their maturity date. The history of the realized transactions is available on (in the French or Dutch section «Informations financières» - «Rachat d'actions propres»).
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