There is a vision at the heart of Compagnie du Bois Sauvage: we want to be much more than an investment company. We are a trusted partner, offering stability, strong family roots and a track record of entrepreneurial success. We are guided by long-term loyalty towards the entrepreneurs and visionaries we support and maintain relationships that are built on trust.
With a focus on a limited number of investments, mainly industrial in nature, we contribute actively to the success of these companies by making our expertise available and supporting them at every stage in their growth. We bring together investors who share our long-term vision and our prudent, responsible approach. Our mission is to build authentic growth – growth that is sustainable, tangible and based on sound governance.
Sustainable growth
We are guided by long-term loyalty towards the entrepreneurs and visionaries we support and maintain relationships that are built on trust. However, growth can only be sustainable if it includes responsible management of natural resources and full consideration of environmental issues. We are committed to supporting initiatives in this area within our participations and integrate these concerns into our investment strategy.
Tangible growth
We select projects that produce successful results and create value for all stakeholders, including our shareholders. The intrinsic growth of Bois Sauvage must allow both the payment of a recurring dividend and investment to support future growth.
Growth based on sound governance
Good governance is at the heart of our corporate project. We expect the same of ourselves as we do of the Group’s shareholdings. Nothing can be built sustainably unless it is built on sound, ethical foundations, driven by entrepreneurial excellence and rigorous management of human, technical and financial assets.
Key figures
For the group (EUR 1.000)
Intrinsic value
Per share (EUR)
Intrinsic value
Corporate governance principles
Good governance is fundamental, and with the same high standards that we apply to ourselves, we require rigor in our participations. Entrepreneurial excellence and good management of resources—whether human, technical, or financial—remain the sound foundations for the sustainable building of a company. This requirement is reflected in the Good Governance Charter, approved by the Board of Directors on 19 December 2005 and last amended on 4 December 2023.
The Compagnie du Bois Sauvage takes its name from the place where its head office is located in Brussels, known as the ‘Bois Sauvage’ (a deformation of the Dutch surname ‘Wilde Wouter’) and situated between the Cathedral of Saints Michel and Gudule and the first city walls of Brussels. The Company undertook the renovation of the Bois Sauvage arcades, remnants of the 13th century walls, winning the Prix du Quartier des Arts in 1992 for this restoration, followed by another prize in 2002 for the renovation of the Treurenberg site.
Founded by Chevalier Paquot, the company is the result of the merger of nineteen companies of varying origins, from Fours Lecocq to Charbonnages d’Hensies-Pommeroeul. This regrouping, in line with the Group’s strategy of stability and economic dynamism, was reinforced by the merger with parent company Surongo in 2002.
The Group currently comprises Entreprises et Chemins de Fer en Chine as the main shareholder, and the operating company, Compagnie du Bois Sauvage. The Paquot family controls Fingaren s.c.a., which in turn controls Entreprises et Chemins de Fer en Chine. Together, they held 50.72% of Compagnie du Bois Sauvage’s voting rights at 31 December 2023, with no shareholders’ agreement in place for the remaining 49.27%.